
The goal of this site is to collect data on the output of blocks created in the WordPress core block editor. The output of blocks shapes the total experience of a site visitor in full site editing, and the content experience for content created, so knowing the expected shape and potential accessibility concerns is key.

For documentation, we’re creating examples of each block variant that has changes significant to accessibility, documenting the essential code shape of that block, and performing tests of the accessibility of the block.

Creating a collection of examples will give us data to help shape future automated testing, giving us knowledge of the issues and variations we need to be tracking.

I’ve completed the core/verse block as an example of how to structure the posts.

The first block in each post was auto-inserted from the internal description of the block, and doesn’t need to be edited.

Accessibility-significant variants

That probably requires some explanation. A variation, the way I’m describing it, would be different versions of the block that could change the output order (such as the media/text block), or that change how the interface works (such as the navigation menu block defaulting to collapsed vs. expanded).

Color variations are not significant in most cases, because those can be changed without significant limitations by users.

Each block has a dedicated post to contain the block output and code examples. Accessibility comments can be made in comments on that post.